Mothers 08100 California Gold Micro-Polishing Glaze - 16 oz (Ultimate Wax System, Step 2)

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Price: $9.63 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details

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Regular using Mothers® Micro-Polishing Glaze will increase your paint’s depth and luster. No matter what color, it's going to give your paint added character as well as a brilliant, glowing shine. Micro-Polishing Glaze fills and hides minor swirls and defects, minimizing unsightly visual imperfections. Additionally, it has a super-fine polish that further improves the paint surface. Micro-Polishing Glaze is vital to giving both light and dark colors their perfect finish. (* Previously known as California Gold Sealer & Glaze, Step 2)

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Product Features
Regular application will increase paint's depth and luster
Use with any paint color for a brilliant, glowing shine
Super-fine polish to improve the paint surface
Regular use provides a long lasting benefit to your vehicle

Car Exterior Sealants